A Guide on What To Do If A Storm Damaged Your Trees

Nov 22, 2023

When a powerful storm wreaks havoc on your property, one of the first casualties often includes the majestic trees that once adorned your landscape. Dealing with storm-damaged trees requires a strategic approach to ensure safety, preserve the environment, and restore the aesthetic appeal of your surroundings. In this guide, we'll explore the steps to take if a storm damages your tree, covering essential aspects such as tree removal, stump grinding, tree trimming and pruning, defensible space services, and vegetation management.

Assessment and Safety First:

The aftermath of a storm can leave trees in precarious positions, posing a threat to people and property. Begin by assessing the damage and prioritizing safety. Look for hanging branches, leaning trees, or uprooted trunks that may fall unexpectedly. If there is an immediate danger, it's crucial to cordon off the area and seek professional help.

Emergency Tree Removal:

If a storm has caused severe damage, necessitating tree removal, it's vital to enlist the services of certified arborists or tree removal experts. Attempting to remove a storm-damaged tree without proper equipment and expertise can be dangerous. Professional tree removal services ensure the safe and efficient removal of the tree, minimizing the risk of further damage and injury.

Stump Grinding:

Once a tree is removed, you're left with the stump, which not only affects the aesthetics of your landscape but can also pose potential hazards. Stump grinding is a key step in the aftermath of tree removal. This process involves grinding the stump into small wood chips, eliminating the physical obstacle and allowing for the replanting of new trees or grass. Stump grinding also prevents the growth of fungi and pests that may infest the decaying wood.

Tree Trimming & Pruning:

Storm damage often leaves trees with broken or weakened branches. To promote the health and longevity of your trees, consider professional tree trimming and pruning. This involves removing damaged or dead branches, improving the tree's structural integrity, and enhancing its overall appearance. Regular pruning can also help prevent future storm damage by reducing wind resistance and promoting balanced growth.

Defensible Space Services:

In areas prone to wildfires, maintaining defensible space around your property is crucial for preventing the rapid spread of fires. Storm-damaged trees can contribute to the accumulation of dry, combustible materials. Defensible space services involve creating a buffer zone by removing dead vegetation, thinning out trees, and creating a fire-resistant landscape. This not only protects your property but also supports the overall safety of your community.

Vegetation Management:

In the aftermath of a storm, vegetation management becomes essential for preventing the recurrence of similar incidents. Regularly inspect and manage the vegetation on your property, especially if you live in an area prone to storms or wildfires. Proper management includes clearing debris, maintaining healthy trees, and identifying and addressing potential risks before they escalate.


Recovering from storm damage requires patience, care, and a proactive approach. By promptly addressing the aftermath of a storm, you can increase the likelihood of your tree's survival and future vitality. Remember, when in doubt, seek the expertise of a certified arborist to ensure the best possible care for your damaged tree. In the face of adversity, your thoughtful actions can contribute to the resilience and beauty of the natural world around you.

At About Trees, we understand the profound impact storms can have on your trees. Our dedicated teams in
Redding and Chico, CA specialize in comprehensive storm-damaged tree services. With a commitment to prompt and expert care, we ensure the health and longevity of your trees. Trust us to assess and address storm-related damage, promoting recovery and future resilience. For Redding area service call (530) 246-2477. For the Chico area call (530) 343-4533 or email them at info@abouttrees.us to schedule a consultation or to inquire about their services.

About Trees for all your tree storm damage needs and let us help your trees thrive and flourish.

By About Trees 25 Jan, 2024
Living amidst the beauty of nature, we often find solace in the presence of towering trees. However, these majestic giants can pose a potential threat when hazardous limbs, also known as "widow makers," are present. In this guide, we will delve into ten essential tips for the safe removal of widow makers , emphasizing the importance of professional tree removal services in ensuring the safety of both property and lives. 1. Identify and Assess the Widow Makers: Before initiating any removal process, it is crucial to identify and assess the widow makers. Conduct a thorough inspection of your trees, looking for dead or damaged branches that could potentially fall. Pay special attention to branches overhanging structures, pathways, or areas frequently used by people. 2. Safety First – Use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Prioritize safety by ensuring that all individuals involved in the removal process wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). This includes helmets, gloves, eye protection, and sturdy footwear. Safety should always be the top priority when dealing with potentially hazardous tree branches. 3. Hire Professional Tree Removal Services: When dealing with widow makers, it is imperative to seek the expertise of professional tree removal services . These professionals possess the knowledge, equipment, and experience required to safely remove hazardous limbs , minimizing the risk of accidents during the removal process.
By About Trees 25 Jan, 2024
In regions prone to wildfires, establishing defensible space around homes and communities is paramount for safety. One crucial aspect of creating defensible space involves strategic tree trimming and pruning. These practices not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the landscape but also play a vital role in reducing fire hazards. In this blog, we'll delve into the significance of tree trimming and pruning services for fire prevention and the creation of defensible space. Understanding Defensible Space Defensible space refers to the buffer zone around a property that is intentionally maintained and designed to slow the spread of wildfires. It serves as a protective barrier, allowing firefighters to defend homes more effectively and providing residents with a safer environment during fire outbreaks. Creating defensible space involves various measures, and tree trimming and pruning are crucial components of this strategy. Tree Trimming for Fire Prevention Tree trimming is the process of selectively removing branches from a tree to maintain its health, shape, and safety. When it comes to fire prevention, trimming trees is essential for several reasons. Firstly, it helps eliminate dead or overhanging branches that can act as fuel for wildfires. These dry branches are highly flammable and can easily catch fire, leading to the rapid spread of flames. Additionally, tree trimming creates a natural firebreak by reducing the continuity of vegetation. By spacing out trees and removing low-hanging branches, the potential for fire to climb into the crowns of trees is minimized. This can significantly impede the progression of wildfires and aid in the creation of defensible space. Tree Pruning: A Precision Approach Tree pruning involves the selective removal of specific parts of a tree, such as branches, buds, or roots, to improve its structure and health. In the context of fire prevention and defensible space, pruning serves a dual purpose. Firstly, it helps to maintain a safe distance between trees and structures, preventing the spread of fire through direct contact. Secondly, proper pruning techniques can reduce the density of a tree's crown, minimizing the risk of crown fires. Crown fires occur when flames reach the topmost branches of trees, allowing the fire to rapidly spread from treetop to treetop. Pruning helps break the vertical continuity of vegetation, making it harder for fires to escalate. Professional Tree Trimming and Pruning Services
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